JUMP TOAPI heedjyGetting startedAuthentication Heedjy APIAuthentication overviewauthGet an access tokenpostPublic Heedjy APIregistrationregister a partner company or a memberpostrequest for a partner registrationpostbrandingAPI heedjymeetingslist meetingsgetupdate meeting infoputanalyze a meeting transcriptpostsync analysis results with CRMposttoolboxsearch toolbox resourcesgetcreate toolbox resourcepostretrieve the toolbox resource detailsgetupdate a toolbox resourceputdelete a toolbox resourcedeleteworkflow-definitionsappslist app credentialsgetSearch appsgetCreate an apppostSuggest appsgetGet app detailsgetUpdate app informationputgenerate app credentialspostGet app review infogetList all versionsgetCreate a new app versionpostGet the apps change loggetGet the apps change log summarygetsearch the apps activationsgetActivate the apppostsearch the customer reviews of an appgetretrieve the customer reviews statistics of an app.getapp-definitionsList app definitionsgetUpdate the categories definitionsputget app definition by idgetupdate app page structuresputupgrade app definitionpostactivationssearch all the apps activationsgetcreate app activationpostcreate leadpostretrieve an app activation (detailed)getupdate app activationputdelete app activationdeletegenerate app activation linkpostdisable app activationpostGet all app history activation by app activation idgetcustomer-reviewsget a customer reviewgetanalyticsGet dashboard infogetPost analytic eventpostDisplay number of apps by statusgetDisplay number of apps by categoriesgetGet 'Time to be published' KPIgetGet 'apps views' KPIgetGet histogram of aggregated values of appsgetGet histogram of aggregated values of apps ownedgetGet insight metricgetGet Leads conversion funnelgetGet leads conversations response time metricsgetdashboardpartnersAdd partnerpostUpdate partnerputAssociate apps to partnerpostDissociate apps to partnerdeleteanalyze conversation of a channel, optionally since a provided datepostupdate conversation analysis resultspostget all contactgetcreate contactpostupdate contactputupdate contactdeletefilesget binary files metadata.postend-usersCreate or Update user infopostGet end user infogetcompaniesGet my company profilegetUpdate my company profileputActivate or Deactivate a member from my companyputupgrade a company with a freemium marketplace accountpostGet a company profilegetAssign a badge to a companypostRemove a badge from a companydeletemarketplacesGet onboardinggetGet my company's marketplacegetComplete an onboarding steppostGet my marketplace's app store settingsgetConfigure my company's marketplace / appstore settingsputSuggest "partners" of the marketplace.getRemove a partner from a marketplacedeleteGet all partner tiers of this marketplacegetAdd a new partner adminpostCreate a partner tiers for this marketplacepostUpdate a partner tiers of this marketplaceputDelete a partner tiers of this marketplacedeletepartner tierscore productCreate core productpostCreate core productputactivitiesSearch activitiesgetGet an activity by idgetAdd a comment to an activitypostDelete a comment from an activitydeleteMark activities as read, ie. remove them from 'new' activitiesputonboardingannouncementscreate a draft announcementpostGet active announcement if anygetretrieve the announcement detailsgetupdate a announcementputschedule an announcementpostdelete an announcementdeleteretrieve the announcement analyticsgetcancel an announcementdeleteend an announcementdeleteduplicate an announcementpostinvitationsResend a invitation to a partner adminputleadssearch all the leadsgetget all conversation (lead) by usergetsearch all the announcementsgetGet all message by conversation idgetretrieve the lead detailsgetpost a message to the owner of the apppostupdate a leadputmark messages has readpostreopen a leadpostupdate project nameputclose a leaddeletedelete a conversationdeletearchive a conversationpostupdate the note and the visibility of the note for a leadputmanually update lead to in progresspostGet all lead history by lead idgetDelete file from leaddeleteGet signed url for a filegetGet all lead message by lead idgetpost a message to the leadpostmark messages has readpostconversationscustomersSend a contact us requestpostSend a request infopostzapierPowered by create leadpost https://app.heedjy.com/api/leads